About... what?

About the website:

 As a member of Gen Z, I wasn't around to see the old web. However, when I first saw websites on Neocities, I was hit with nostalgia for something I have never experienced. The sites were simple, yet charming. They had errors, but they were beautiful. That imperfection is much more appealing to me than the sea of banal corporate pages that is the rest of the internet. All of them are perfect(ly boring), with the same designs, fonts, words, colors, logos, images, and animations. Creativity is something that most websites nowadays severely lack.

 What I like about coding my own website is the absolute freedom I have. I can make this look however I want, I can put whatever images I want, I can write whatever I want, etc. (Of course, I can't break Neocities' TOS or do anything illegal. *a couple of minutes later* Wait, I just read the TOS and it says no copyright infringement, does that mean this site will be taken down for the links? Hopefully not, if you work at Neocities and you're reading this please don't sue me :(

 I created this website for a place to put my art. I don't want to use social media, but I still want people to see my work, you know? And this is also a place for my writings, photos, ramblings, or whatever else I feel like adding. It's nice having a home on the web where these can be stored without getting lost in a never ending feed on social media. If you have anything you would like others to see, than maybe consider making a website? Helps divert people's eyes away from the cesspool of ads that is most of the internet, I suppose. Well, that's all I have to say. Thanks for reading! :3

oh wait, you wanted actual information about the website? well, here it is

About the webmaster:

I'm just another stranger on the internet. Not much else to say about me. If you'd like to contact me, my email is insomnicat833@gmail.com. If you do send an email, please be patient when waiting for a response because I don't check it very often.

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